Friday, October 21, 2011

Work Work Work all week long, punchin' that clock from dusk till dawn.

Boy is that how I feel!
You know when you are a kid all you can dream of is being and adult with a job cause you think it will be fun.... Sadly when you are a kid you no nothing about the physical and mental labor that is put in a job. Now I'm not complaining about my job at all, I love working at the Hospice House and helping patients in any way I can. All I am saying is that it is not the dress-up play time I had when I was a kid.
Along with working at the Hospice House I was also a volleyball coach at RCC. I coached the middles school team and was very nervous when asked to coach. But once I got into a routine the coaching became easy. I can not believe that I was a coach and while I was coaching, how much all of my girls improved on their skills and thinking that I had something to do with their improvement. It is a pretty awesome feeling! The volleyball season has come to a close and I am again just working only at the Hospice House.

Right now someone very special is here visiting me and I have had nothing but fun since he has come! Sadly I did have to work while he is here (hence the title... also it is a good song) and I'm working the night shift so while he is at home sleeping I'm working trying to stay awake.... when I get back home he will be wide awake while I will be sleeping... it is a vicious circle! But none the less I will cut my hours of sleep back so our time together will not be wasted on a simple thing as sleep!

BTW for all you ladies who have seen this blog because of wedding progress the planning is coming along very nicely. I have what the center pieces will look like and a few other decor ideas running though my head! I guess the only other things that are needed with this wedding is the flower arrangement, the entree, the cake, and the rest of the decor! It feels like the wedding is approaching fast and that I need more time but at the same time I want it to come faster so I can begin my new life!

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